by Carilyn on February 7, 2008


Now that I finally have a race schedule for the first half of the year, I feel like it’s time to get into the training groove. Even though I’m not so hot with details, I’m pretty obsessive/compulsive with the amount of training I do (it’s the format of the training that is a little vague for Scott’s tastes:). So, I’m getting focused on Ruth Anderson 100k and realizing that I better get a little more specific with the details. The problem with a 100k, for me, is that you really need to get jiggy from the start. There is no room for a nice relaxed 6-12 mile loop before you start picking it up. As I have mentioned, I am not a fast starter. I like to take my time, chat with people, get really warmed up, get my breathing regulated and then start focusing on the race. We are only using Ruth Anderson as a tune-up for KM100, but still, I have no clue how to run it. I ran two fifty-milers before I ran my first 100 and thought they were much harder than the 100s/24 hour races. Not a good sign for a 100k :),

With all of this confusion, I am trying to pay attention to how other people race 50s and 100ks. Most seem to be able to start at a certain pace and then maintain it (or close to it) for the entire race. To me, that is amazing! How do you they get into a groove so quickly? And then stay there? I know speed work would help (ick), so I have promised that I will incorporate some (soon). Wearing a watch might be helpful, too. Whenever I know my pace it’s because someone tells me, “Hey, we’re at 8:03 (or whatever).” I do own a Garmin, and I have it charging, so I will start wearing it more regularly. At the moment, most of the tempo/pace work I do is by feel. I start slowly, then when it is called for, pick it up for the amount of time scheduled in the workout. If I start to get that sick (I’m going to hurl) sort of feeling, I know I’m going too fast. If the walkers start to pass me, I know I’m going too slow. Okay, it is a little more scientific than that, but you get my drift. But, since I would like to have some target times for the race, I know I better see exactly where I am. Sigh.

We have rented “Vitus” to watch after dinner. It is a movie about a young musical prodigy. According to the cover, it won several awards at the various film festivals. I love movies (and books) about people doing really cool things – especially things I could never do in a million years. I have absolutely no musical talent, so I find it fascinating to watch people who just…hear it, play it, create it. I’m in awe. I’ll let y’all know if the movie is any good. Oh, and remember how I mentioned “Mountain Madness,” the story about the Everest guide, Scott Fischer, who died on an expedition in 1996? It is really good. The author was a friend of Scott’s, so he has taken the time to give us a lot of insight into what made Scott tick. It’s not just one of those sensationalist books that gives a million gory details about the accident. You really get to know the man and what made him who he was. I’m really enjoying it.

Happy training!

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