by Carilyn on January 31, 2008

Time Flies When You’re…

Hmm… I’m not sure exactly what I’ve been doing, but I do feel like the week has flown by. I took a rest day on Tuesday and then did some tempo work on Wednesday. Now, please don’t faint, but I did trails today. I needed to do hills, and my friend Ingrid needed to get in a longer run, so we met at the Chevrolet dealership so that I could drop off my car for service and ran from there. We just so happened to be by a new park that has a trail system in it, so we thought, “What the heck! It doesn’t matter that we are in road shoes.” And it didn’t. Except on the downhills. Those were a little dangerous. But it was so much fun! We ran for 2 hours, talking the whole time, running up and down and around and around. I really enjoyed it. It was like training wheels on a bike – sort of practice trail running. I finished out the day with a gym workout and some pilates. The next three days are longer runs, but with moderate pacing.

So, I finally talked to Scott, and I think my schedule is this:

El Paso Marathon – March 2 – pace a friend for BQ
Ruth Anderson 100k – April (thanks for the suggestion, Olga)
Kettle Moraine 100 – June (thanks for the suggestion, Bob)
Maybe Lean Horse 100 – August

I’m still looking at some other things for the end of the year, but I am super relieved to have the first half planned out. I’m most nervous about Ruth Anderson because I have never run a 100k. It just seems like you have to run fast. For a long time. Anyway, we’ll see. Scott thought it would be a good tune-up for KM 100. By the way, I would love a pacer for KM 100. Because I am such a big, fat chicken, and I never do trails, I don’t want to be in the forest, in the dark BY MYSELF! As directionally challenged as I am, it is highly possible that I could end up in South Dakota before anyone realized I was missing. So, if you think you might be close to Wisconsin in June, and you can follow a map, could you please, please let me know.

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