As most of you have probably been able to tell, I’ve been a little nonplussed with my running lately. I just haven’t been able to get it together since I took so much time off. I was really getting a little frustrated by it, and with myself. But yesterday, finally, I had a GREAT run! We started at 6:00 am, doing a 6 mile road loop because we always go back to pick people up at 7:00 who don’t want to go as long. I drank a Boost (even though I’d had a piece of pizza at home before I left), grabbed my water, and headed out for a 10 mile loop on the canals and the river. We kept our pace about 8:30 – sometimes a little faster, sometimes a little slower. It was in the 50s, sunny, and so pleasant. We talked about the usual: politics, kids, books, food and races. After we made it back to our cars, a few people only wanted to go 4 more (for 20 total), so we did a short canal loop, dropped them off, and then headed out for our last 6 mile road loop.
At this point, we were like horses heading back to the barn. We were ready to be done. It helped that we have a new runner from Seattle in our group who is running Western States (I honestly think he is the only person I know who got in), so he is really ramping up. We did several short bursts, a loose fartlek type formula, and then recovered. In the middle, we had to sprint because we were right next to a golf course and a few guys were about to tee off right next to us. After the sprint, we were treated to the sight of our local parrot flock. The story is, that several years ago, somebody let two parrots loose in the valley. There are now about 20, and people come from all over to see them. I have had people parked in front of my house with binoculars trained on the parrots in my tree. They fly all over, but seem to stay within about a 1/2 mile radius. The squawk really loudly every sunrise and every sunset. It is very cool! Anyway, Luis (the new guy), was captivated! He is originally from Mexico, and said he hadn’t seen parrots in the wild since he was young.
We finished up the run by slowly lowering our pace until we were sub-7:00. It was a great end to a fun run. 26 miles. I felt good through the whole thing, and best for the last 6 miles. It was almost as if I had to do some fast running to get myself revved back up. I fully expected to be sore/tired this morning, but felt great. I ran 18, some of it at pace, and never felt drained. I’m not sure what the scientific explanation is, but I am so relieved to feel stronger.
The weekend was topped off with two very excited children. It seems that my parents had thrown the boys an “UN-Birthday Party” when they spent the night Saturday. Grant and Spencer said my parents surpised them with balloons, a chocolate cake, party favors and presents from the dollar store. They had a blast! Since their actual birthday isn’t until June, it really was a surprise (it’s rare that you can pull something over on an 11 year-old). When I talked to my mom this morning, she said she and my dad had as much fun as the boys! What a hoot!
I hope everyone is having some fun training! It’s been reallly motivational for me to read about everyone else’s running. Thanks for reading and for posting!
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