Because I lack any sort of technological savvy, when my WordPress account was inaccessible on Thursday, I did what any other techno goob would do – I shut my computer and went out to lunch. When it didn’t magically resolve itself in the middle of the night (that’s how it works, right?), I had to call in the big guns – Teen Son 2. The only glitch in this theory, is that Friday was a holiday, and he had been looking forward to sleeping in. I was afraid if I woke him up so that he could fix my blog, he would secretly plant some sort of virus that would play Richard Marx songs every time I turned on my computer.
So, I let him sleep.
And so I ran out of time to blog on Friday, too.
I know.
Shut up.
But today is a new day, my WordPress account is fixed (required a full re-install – whatever that means), and no Richard Marx is playing (just thinking about that guy’s hair gives me the shivers). Thank goodness.
But the Killers are (Are we human? Or are we dancer? Really, what in the hell does that song mean?) because I had to do a 35 mile run at an 8:30 pace around a loop. So, the music from that run is still playing in my head. And not in a good way.
I actually tried to listen to The Secret Race: Inside the Hidden World of the Tour de France: Doping, Cover-ups, and Winning at All Costs, by Tyler Hamilton and Daniel Coyle, but it was so depressing that I had to turn it off after 6 miles. When I’m running, I want to be inspired, or at least entertained, and this book was something you need to read/listen to during a long car ride, or while you are having your toenails surgically removed, not while you were trying to stay focused and positive.
You know, when I’m running, I like Andy Cohen and Big Metal Chickens. And clearly nonsensical songs about existential dilemmas about humaness v. artistry. But I digress.
Anyway, the run turned out well – cool temps, lots of fun people out and about (Hi Rob! Hi Richard!), and I only had to duck once when someone yelled “FOUR!” as I headed up the west end of the loop around the golf course (this may be a record for me). I did not trip, run into anyone (although I had a few close calls), or cry, so I feel like the day was a success.
Afterwards, Hubz and I went to a gastropub and had Braised Short Rib tacos and Hefeweizen – the perfect recovery meal (until I have something even yummier next time).
I ended the week with 130 miles, with four weeks to go until Worlds. Two more weeks of hard training and then it’s time to drink beer taper.
I can’t wait to see how everyone did at Boston! I watched it on the TM this morning, and all I can say is, DANG! those women are fast! Now THAT is inspiring to watch while running. Too bad Andy Cohen wasn’t the commentator.
Happy Running!
I was glued to Boston coverage like the biggest runnerd ever. I’d love to go back as a spectator one of these years. I wanted Richard Marx hair for way too long.
Awesome job on the 35 miles!!
Aren’t teen-agers great for techie stuff?!
And no words on Boston.
Kim recently posted…On the Mend and On the Road
You have the best blog titles ever.
Kirstin C (@ultrarunnergirl) recently posted…Quote of the Month
I turned off the coverage after the elites were done. It was only later that I heard what had happened. So awful.
I agree, Kim.
Thank you, Kirstin
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