by Carilyn on December 19, 2007


Olga just tagged me, so I’m going to add a little more to yesterday’s post so that I do it right 🙂 I have to change mine up a little bit because I didn’t run a single trail run in 2007 (sigh), unless you count Umstead. I need some of the trail gals to come down to Texas and show me how it’s done! I might actually brave it if I had company to ensure that I didn’t get lost, eaten or maimed! Okay, here goes:

1. Most memorable moment in a race…FANS lightning storm while crossing a steel bridge- totally cool and totally scary!

2. Best new trail I discovered in 2007…hmmm, I can’t figure out how to modify this one. I had to be pretty inventive this year picking routes so that I could get my mileage in without going stir crazy. I ran all over the city, across the border into Mexico (had to stand in line on the bridge to get back into the US and I didn’t have any identification), through cemetaries, pecan orchards, and farms.

3. My best performance this year was… Ultracentric 126.99 miles.

4. I do not know how I previously survived without… M&Ms. For some reason, it is the only thing that tastes good when I have had enough of everything else at the aid stations.

5. The person I would most like to meet at a race in 2008…Olga. Her indomitable spirit is contagious.

6. The race I’m most afraid of in 2008 … I’m also stuck on this one because I haven’t figured out my race schedule yet. Frankly, though, I’m afraid of all of them!

Yeah for 2008! Let’s go run!


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