Know that no day is the same as another, and that each morning contains its own particular miracle, its magic moment, when old universes are destroyed and new stars are created.
Paulo Coelho
I am so happy to be back running (well, sort of running)! I’ve been doing an easy hour and then walking for another hour, or so. I can definitely tell I’ve had three weeks off. But, it is so great to be outside, to be moving, to have a rhythm back in my day, especially at this time of year when everything is so crazy!
I got a call last night from a mom at my sons’ school saying that no one had signed up to be the room mother for one of my son’s classes. His teacher was in desperate need of someone to handle the Christmas party next week. The kids’ parties are always so much fun – still the same as when we went to school – cupcakes, goofy games, dancing, nothing fancy. The only problem is that I am a horrible party planner. Now, because I said the parties are nothing fancy, you would think that I wouldn’t stress out about it. But, this is my 8th year doing this, and I still get totally stressed. You know how when you have no talent for something it doesn’t matter how many times you do it, it still causes stress? Well that is me every Christmas and end-of-school. I’m a freak. That is why I tried to avoid being a room mother this year. But, when you have twins in separate classes, you invariably end up being the room mother one way or the other. So, I woke up at 1:00 am worrying about this little party. Hello! I need therapy!
Anyway, back to running. I plan to try to run a couple of hours tomorrow. I still feel pretty tight. I’m stretching, but I still feel about as limber as a hundred year old oak tree. I tried to lift one day this week, but that didn’t go so well. Maybe next week. It probably isn’t helping that my wonderful mother-in-law sent me a huge box of See’s candy that I have almost finished in less than 24 hours. Yum!
Hope everyone is getting their shopping done. The holidays are almost here!
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