by Carilyn on December 8, 2007

Running At Last!

I ran today for the first time in 3 weeks – yeah! Everything felt pretty good except my usual lower back problem that has plagued me for 2 years after a bad fall on an early morning run. I think the combination of 127 miles (inflammation) plus no running (stiffness and tightness) has added to the problem. I felt much looser at the end of the hour than at the beginning. I know some of you have suggested yoga for herniated disks and ischial tuberosity issues, so I think I will give that a try this year. Swimming does seem to help, but is such a pain in the winter (can you hear me whining?).

There is a super funny blogger out there that I’m adding to my favorites list: Bob Gentile. His blog is hysterical! I love funny blogs. Another super funny blog (but it is not running related) is the Fat Both of these blogs make me wish I could be funny! As I’ve mentioned, I love blogs that inspire and blogs that make me laugh because both make you feel good!

On a technical note: my wonderful sister, Linda, is dropping out of the blogosphere for now. She is working on her next book and making appearances for her current book, “The Devil in the Junior Leauge,” so she is swamped. She was feeling guilty about not posting and I was feeling bad about taking over the blog with all of my running content, so we just decided that I would go solo until she has more time. I apologize to those of you who were reading because of Linda – I bet you are in a boredom-induced coma by now if you had to read all the running posts!

I still haven’t figured out my race schedule for next year. I don’t talk to Scott until next week, so everything is still up in the air. I reallly want to run something in the spring, but I don’t know what’s available. There don’t seem to be many 100 milers in the spring, and the usual suspects (Umstead, RR) are full. Hmmm. I’ll keep looking.

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