by Carilyn on December 3, 2007

Non-Running Musings

So, I’m getting pretty bored not running. But I am enjoying sleeping until 6:30. Tim told me that it was weird waking up before me and that he was ready for me to start running again (it might have something to do with my hyper-ness since I have no way to expend all of my extra energy). I did start walking a little, and I went swimming last Thursday. Both activities felt good, but just aren’t the same as running.

I am so bummed that nobody I know got into Western States! I was so looking forward to following Ronda, Julie, and/or Olga in their training for, and competing in, the race. But none of them got in! I know they all have alternative race plans, so I’m sure it will still be an exciting season. As I’ve said, I’m not a trail runner, so I love to follow others. It seems so exciting (and tough)!

I still haven’t figured out what I am doing next year. The only “for sure” is the Walt Disneyworld Marathon. We are having our family reunion at Disneyworld, so four of us are going to run the marathon for fun. I’m really excited to get to run with both of my brothers and my husband. Most of our other family members are going to run/walk the half-marathon. I think it will be a blast! Now that I know how to post pictures, I promise to post some.

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