by Carilyn on November 14, 2007

Tapering and Rambling

Why is tapering so hard? I love having a little time off, but I want to run! Clearly I’m addicted because I feel like I’m coming out of my skin. I feel like a 110 watt bulb in a 20 watt socket (if there is such a thing!). I’m trying not to come unhinged before the race (and not scare my family, either :).

I really am very excited. I wish I knew who was going to be there. I can’t find anything on the race website listing who is participating. Kind of disappointing. I’m so geographically isolated from the Ultra community that the only time I get to see anyone is at races, so it is fun to know who is going to show up. There has been very little chatter about the race on the List, so I can only hope some people are coming to Texas. Come on down, the weather is marvelous!

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