by Carilyn on November 2, 2007

Photo from “Stalking Pam Reed,” Marathon & Beyond

Training is Winding Down (Finally)

I am finally at the end of, what feels like, a very long training cycle. My last race was at the end of May, and other than those two marathons, I have not been part of any organized running events. And I miss it. I love the vibe of races – the people, the enthusiasm, the preparation, the travelling. I love reading about others’ races (speaking of which, if you want to read the best race reports in the blogosphere, check out Olga’s blog) so that I get to experience all different types of adventures even if I can’t be there.

But now, I’m getting ready to taper before Ultracentric which takes place in Grapevine, Texas in two weeks (two weeks! oh my gosh!). I am competing in the 24 Hour event. Last year, tons of great runners were there: Connie Gardner (one of my favorite runners of all time), Pam Reed, Carolyn Smith, Jamie Donaldson, Sarah Almodovar, Deb Horn, Rebecca Johnson, Laura Nelson, Dean Karnazes, Scott Eppleman, Roy Pirrung, Ray K… and the list goes on. One of the things I enjoy about short loop courses is that you actually get to run with a lot of different runners through the course of the race. Heck, when you are running on a 2.5 mile out-and-back loop you get to run with pretty much everyone! I think this year, some of the top runners have opted to run Across the Years instead of Ultracentric, so I’m not sure how big the crowd will be, but I think it will still be a blast! The RD was top-notch last year – tons of course support, great food, and awesome volunteers – so I know it will be a great race!

In the meantime, I will probably be posting more about food, books, and movies than running because I am starting my taper. Tapering is a mixed blessing: you know you need it, but you feel like it is going to do you in! Oh well, it will give me more time to read all the blogs I enjoy!

One last, scary note. I got chased by a man on my run yesterday. It was pretty creepy. I had my mace with me, but didn’t have to use it (would I even know how?). I’ll post more about it next time, but I just wanted to remind everyone to be safe out there!

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