How to Cure the Common Cold With a Crepe

by Carilyn on October 18, 2012

As I last reported, I have been sick. Some of it was my fault, as I refused to pay attention to my runny nose, slight hack and pounding headache, and opted to do two long training days to “flush it out” of my system. Note: that medical treatment doesn’t work. And because I know that most of you are smarter than I, it is probably unnecessary to screech at you, “Take to your beds!” when you start feeling a little squiggy, lest you end up with a multi-day couch vacation involving lots of bad reality television and several bottles of grapefruit soda.

I perked up a bit yesterday, and after spending hours and hours reading “How to Eat a Small Country,” by Amy Finley – a whole book dedicated to French cuisine – I decided it was imperative that I make crepes. This was my first signal that I was on the mend – not that I wanted to eat crepes (because I always want to eat crepes), but because I wanted to cook them. But don’t fret, my brief illness didn’t change my fundamental inability to follow a recipe, so I can’t provide one here other than to say: Mix flower, milk, an egg, a little vanilla and sugar. Pour it in a hot buttered pan. Smear the whole thing with Nutella.

Then, because I was convinced that the crepe yesterday was medicinal (I felt tons better this morning), I decided I needed to make an apple cream cheese one for breakfast.

Here, I used the same crepe batter and then just browned some apples in butter, sugar and cinnamon. The white gooey goodness is just some cream cheese warmed with a little sugar. Ooooooh! It just occurred to me that maybe it is all the sugar that has cured me! Woop woop! Now I’m doing the sugar dance (a wonderful byproduct of the sugar high I’m on).

Anyway, it’s back to work. As much as I enjoyed my little sickation, I am ready to get busy. If I don’t do something productive soon, I will weigh 300 pounds from all the crepes.

But…I was thinking that a nice mixed berry crepe with whipped cream would be delicious!


Happy Running!



Kirstin C (@ultrarunnergirl) October 18, 2012 at 10:44 am

Putting that book on my list. And crepes rule. I will try the crepe cure next time I have the plague.

Kate October 18, 2012 at 11:56 am

That apple cream cheese filling is pure brilliance!

Char October 18, 2012 at 1:52 pm

You know that all that sugar in jam helps to slow mould growth down so you might be right about sugar having medicinal effects. At the very least if we fill ourselves with enough hopefully we won’t end up too mouldy.

olga October 19, 2012 at 12:42 pm

Crepes totally make life better in every way. Russians knew it long before French:)

Rob October 19, 2012 at 4:50 pm

Those look awesome, and they have two of my favorite food groups — butter and sugar. I’m sold. Although not presently ill (physically at least), I will try them this weekend to determine whether they will ward off any cold that might be lurking in the vicinity. If I don’t come down with one, I will consider the hypothesis — that they work as a preventative measure — validated, and will keep up the regimen throughout cold season.

Marcia October 22, 2012 at 4:06 pm

Yay for feeling better! I haven’t had a crepe in eons. With it being marathon week and all, I could use some serious carb loading…

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